Developed in close partnership with an acute NHS Trust, WardVision is an electronic, touch enabled ward management system that replaces and augments the traditional ward whiteboard. There is real-time two-way integration between the ward display and the Trust’s Patient Administration System, ensuring that the display always shows the current ward status, bed availability and patients that are fit for discharge.

We worked with Elica to develop a Patient Status at A Glance system (WardVision) which enables front line staff to see what the next steps are required within a patient’s journey. From this system, Elica have also helped us develop a ‘live’ suite of clinical and operational status and performance measures (HSAG – Hospital Status at A Glance) that help improve patient flow (and reduce length of stay) and patient safety.

Pete Gordon – Head of Improvement The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust

Discharges, transfers and bed movements can be made via simple drag and drop actions. The actual bed layout on the ward can be replicated on the display using a graphical administration function.

WardVision supports the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s Productive Ward Programme, specifically the ‘Patient Status at a Glance’ initiative, freeing nursing staff from interruptions and enabling them to focus their attention on the patients who require it.

Healthcare professionals and therapists coming on to the ward can easily locate patients requiring their attention.

Consultants can readily identify the patients on the ward under their care and they can also see details of their outlying patients on other wards.

A rich set of information is displayed on each bed, including the patient’s care details (Consultant, Specialty), their expected discharge date and various clinical alerts and indicators sourced from both the PAS and other clinical systems. A set of configurable and locally updateable alerts, which notify ward staff when scheduled care interventions (e.g. patient turning) are due, or that alert staff to special requirements (e.g. Meal Assistance) are also supported.
